Suburban Garden Club of Cheshire
Founded 1957

2024-25 Meetings and Programs
If you are interested in joining please attend a meeting!
Guests are welcome at all meetings except for those specifically restricted to members. Meetings are typically held at 7:00 PM at the Cheshire Senior Center at Maple Avenue, unless otherwise noted. Refreshments are available beginning at 6:30. There is a guest fee of $5.00 for these meetings, which is deducted from the initial membership fee if you decide to join the Club.
Some of our meetings are held via Zoom. If you would like to join one of our Zoom meetings, please contact our Membership Chairperson Lucinda Perry at cinperry9@yahoo.com. Guest fees will be waived for Zoom meetings.
Wednesday September 18, 2024
2024-2025 Kickoff Meeting
Annual Pot Luck Dinner and Kokedama Demo
Members Only
Please join us for our annual start-of-the-year potluck supper and enjoy a variety of favorite recipes from our garden club members. Bring your unique dish at 5:30. Potluck Dinner starts at 6:00 and the program at 7:00. Bring flowers and vegetables for centerpieces.
Lucinda Perry will demonstrate how to create a Kokedama, the Japanese art of wrapping plants in a moss ball. A fun way to display indoor plants with a fresh organic feel.
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There is no hospitality committee, everyone helps with clean-up.
Wednesday October 16, 2024
Houseplant Auction
Open to the Public​
Thise popular event returns again this year! Come to buy, share, and enjoy the many houseplants our club members bring, each to be auctioned off to the highest bidder.
Hospitality: Patty Wright (Lead), Alberta Valerio, Kris Archambault, Karen Piedescalzo, Lorraine Murphy, Deb Poach and Elizabeth Morin
Wednesday November 20, 2024
Bountiful Celebrations of the Season!​
Open to the Public
​​Sylvia Nichols, award-winning designer and club member, will demonstrate designs for the upcoming holiday season featuring seasonal materials. Arrangements will be raffled off at the end of the program.​
Hospitality: Maria Colacrai (Lead), Pat Archibald, Bernie Uluski, Kathy Adams, Lisa Cocco and Ophelia Frasier
Wednesday January 15, 2025 (Snow Date January 22)
Grower Discussion (Wholesale/Retail)
Open to the Public
John Casertano from Casertano Greenhouses & Farms and a local retailer join us to discuss everything you ever wanted to know about how plants make their way from seed to market!
Hospitality: Linda Broker (Lead), Steve Broker, Nancy Fede, Carol Lewok, Tom Lewok and Ed Pasciutti
Wednesday February 19, 2025
Show Stopping Native Autumn Perennials
Open to the Public
Join us at the Senior Center for a Zoom presentation and Q&A session by experts from the Mount Cuba Center on what they do best – native plants! Explore the broad palette of native perennials that bring color, texture, and visual interest to the autumn garden and get great ideas for your home garden. There is no snow date for this program because if the weather is bad everyone can log in from home.​
Hospitality: Barbara Masiulis (Lead), Linda Lane, Anne Gancsos, Kathy Harris, Lucinda Perry, Anupa Simpatico and Kim Block
Wednesday March 19, 2025 (Snow date March 26)
Brighten up Those Winter Blues; A Look at Great Plants for Winter Interest
Open to the Public
​It is often hard to remember that your winter landscape can be just as beautiful as a spring one. Adam Wheeler from Broken Arrow Nursery in Hamden, Ct will present ideas to revitalize your winter landscape and keep it looking fresh and lively.
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Hospitality: Paula Snedeker (Lead), Susan Dillman, Jessica Fischer, Nancy Sewitch, Tony Poitras, Deb Rutter and Agnes Urquhart
Wednesday April 16, 2025
Terrariums and You
Co-sponsored by and held at the Cheshire Public Library
Time: 6:30 PM - Register on library website
Open to the Public
When you need nature close by, houseplants are the answer. And if you’ve always yearned to host houseplants but failed – this lecture will come to the rescue. Tovah Martin will demonstrate precisely how to work with glass enclosures of all types to incorporate green into your life, no matter how busy your schedule might be.
*** No recording or photography allowed ***
Hospitality: Betsy Fox (Lead), Marianne Goldberg, Linda Buckley, Maura Esposito, Sylvia Nichols and Signian McGeary
Wednesday May 21, 2025
Beneficial Insects
Open to the Public
Katherine Dugas, an entomologist at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Insect Information Office, will present an insect talk highlighting some of the more well-known beneficial insects in our environment such as pollinators, as well as some often overlooked or misunderstood benefactors who likewise help “keep things running".
Hospitality: Valerie Joyce (Lead), Jeanne Levasseur, Mary Helming, Rita Giannotti, Estelle Lumer, Mary Ellen Morgan and Marian Brennan.
Wednesday June 18, 2025
Shrubs - The New Perennial and Year-end Dinner
Members Only
​Bring your unique dish at 5:30 PM. Potluck Dinner starts at 6:00 and the program at 7:00.
Lorraine Ballato is a highly regarded Ct horticulturist, garden writer and speaker. She will introduce us to shrubs which give color, interesting foliage and flowering with almost NO maintenance. The Win-Win-Win plants for gardening!
There is no hospitality committee, everyone helps with clean-up.